Follow-Up Email After an Interview: Examples & Templates 2024

If you messed up answering a certain interview question or you couldn’t think of a specific example, you can correct yourself or provide a bit more detail in the follow-up interview. You can also send your portfolio to provide insight into your work and decrease any suspicions an interviewer might have. A few days after the interview, he received an offer from another organization. The offer was decent, but it did not come from his top-pick company. So he decided to be proactive, emailed his top pick, and told them about the offer he got and how he would be happy to turn it down if he was still in contention for a job with them. His top-pick company thanked him for the transparency and went out of their way to speed up the decision-making process.

It was great hearing about [particular details discussed during the interview]. As already mentioned, [restate the qualifications that make you the best candidate and back them up with your proud achievement]. Attached below is a short deck where I proposed several ideas around [what was discussed in the call]. If you send this note and haven’t heard back in another week, it’s OK to follow up again. Just follow these rules for being pleasantly persistent.

Check Whether You Have a Personal Connection to the Company Before Sending Your Email

Considering my style of work, I’m confident I could integrate into the team seamlessly. I submitted my resume last for the position, which I believe reports to you. Also, if my resume hasn’t made its way to you yet, I’m happy to attach it here.

Arianna decides to wait it out to see if she hears back soon. Sure enough, on day four, Arianna receives a call from the recruiter with a job offer. Theoretically, this shouldn’t take too long for companies to make a decision. If you’ve gone through all rounds of interviews, you know they like you. They’re interested but they’ve probably narrowed it down to a very short list of final candidates.

How to Follow Up on Your Application or Interview (With Email Templates)

Employers want detail-oriented people, and while a small email error may seem insignificant to you, they often judge you for this. So ensure everything is error-free, from your email subject line to your body and signature/conclusion. Remember, the key to a successful follow-up email is to be genuine, express your appreciation, and reaffirm your interest in the position.

When following up with your point of contact, keep their timeline in mind. If they told you they needed two weeks before they’d be ready for the next steps, give them the whole two weeks plus a day or two to account for delays before you make contact. Can you schedule an informational interview in the coming weeks? But your dream new job could be just around the corner.

Follow-Up Email After an Interview: 4 Examples and a Template

I know how busy you probably are, but I recently applied to the Social Media Manager position and wanted to check in on your decision timeline. I’m excited about the opportunity to join HoneyBee Co and help manage and grow your social media channels with the digital marketing team. Remember to customize this template with your own experiences and details from the interview to make it more personalized and impactful. Sending a well-crafted follow-up email after an in-person interview can leave a positive impression on the interviewer and set you apart from other candidates. I am very enthusiastic about the opportunity to potentially work with such a talented team and contribute to [specific goal or project discussed].

how to follow up on a job application after interview

She also learned more about the company culture and growth opportunities. Maria decides to send a thank you follow-up email after her phone interview, eager to hear the next step. You might be in communication with the recruiter throughout how to follow up on a job application the interview process. Or you might have communication with the hiring manager directly. He thought an interview went really well and was really interested in the job. But he hadn’t heard from the recruiter or the hiring manager.